Sunday, June 24, 2007


Always a parent is asked what they an their child to be and is he/her upto their expectations but never asked from children what they want their parents to be and are they up to the expectations of the child?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The right marriageable age

Now that I had mentioned in my earlier post that a person is as old as to the no. of succeding generations he sees. Now that comes to marriage age.

Earlier, people used to marry young . Afterwords, it was an age which was neither young/old. As soon as the boy gets a good job, he got into the marital bliss. Now a days the trend is for a late marriage. People want to grow in their career, buy a house, enjoy their youth before taking on the responsibilities of marriage.

Now, who is to advise for the right marriage age. Yes, if one marries young, one gets to see the children settled by the time they retire . But old age, they become alone. But if one marries old, you still have your child by the time you are old and retired. Yes, it depends on how much we are able to save when we were unmarried. Yet no money would be enough, considering the increasing inflation rates and demands. But, yes, we would have the comforts of the child.

P.S. Here the concept was more on loneliness the people feel when they grow old. If we marry young, by the time we are old, they are settled and busy in their own lives. but if married when one is old, they have the comforts of the child's presence.

from the child's prespective, it is better to have their parents young and working when they have to decide and settle in a career as they can have the luxury of choice, while finacial constraints might force them to accept a career if the parents are retired.

Feel at 84

I feel that a person is as old as the number of generation that succeeds him when he is alive.

My father, though at 84, was not considered old as he still had a daughter living with him and a 11 year old grand son hanging around him. But people of his age had his children married who in turn had their daughters/sons in law and they had children of marriageable age. So, they become great great grand parents and the relationship they share with the younger generation is not as strong and the loneliness creeps in, despite the fact they might stay in as single family.

I would love to be contradicted and this is meerly an experience I felt when looking at people of his age.